If you are reading this you most likely know it is because we want nothing more that to bring "baby sister" home through the avenue of adoption. Some of you may not know exactly why we are pursuing adoption, so hopefully this post will bring everyone up to speed. I guess this story starts way before I came into the picture. When Liz was a child God put a very special dream in her heart. This dream was to one day adopt a child. Several years later Liz and I met in college through mutual friends and began dating a few months later. During the course of the next 2 years before we got married, Liz shared her dream with me. I fell in love with the dream and we have shared that dream since. After we got married the next big question was, "when" would we pursue this adoption. Five years later God blessed us with an amazing gift named Ashton, he is our joy! After we brought Ashton home and began life as a family of 3 we were even more convinced of our dream to add to our family through adoption. God led us to an adoption agency and we moved forward with a journey that we were sure would bring us a little girl from El Salvador a year and a half later. In God's infinite wisdom and sovereignty, 3 years later we came to the realization that God had something different for us.
In February of 2010 after seeking much wisdom from others and praying for clarity, we decided to withdraw from the El Salvador program and to enter a new program on the other side of the world in Ethiopia. This meant many things for us. It meant starting over on our paperwork, losing money spent on the first program, losing the last 3 years, but most of all it meant following a mantra that has become so dear to me - "GOD IS GOD and I am not". This is so comforting and exciting to us because we know that God is in control.
So we again, began chasing paperwork, approvals, home studies and the laundry list of things needed to satisfy two different governments. That was five months ago and I am happy to say that we are almost done. We have just a couple of documents to finish and then our dossier will be sent to Ethiopia.
We have an amazing group of people who are part of our lives. And as part of our lives, we want you to be a part of this journey as well. We will update this blog with any news of progress to keep you up-to-date and would ask you to pray for us and for the beautiful little girl somewhere in Ethiopia who will by God's grace become our "baby sister".