Well our dossier has been in Ethiopia for almost 3 1/2 months now and we continue to anxiously wait "the call". For those of you outside the adoption circle, "the call" is the conversation that informs you that your soon to be daughter has been matched or referred to your family. This is quite possibly the most anticipated phone call that we will ever receive at our home. Decorating ideas are flying around for "baby sister's" room, the closet is full of beautiful clothes for our little princess, obsessive visits to airline websites to check on every possible flight schedule. Excited doesn't quite describe how we feel.
After we returned from our Christmas trip, we received an amazing Christmas gift in the mail. A letter in the mail from Show Hope (a grant foundation for adoptive families) informing us that they were granting us a large portion of our next payment to our adoption agency!!! God has continued to provide in ways that we had not anticipated. We have learned so much about the ability of God to do things that we think are impossible. To God be the Glory.
Please pray for us as we continue to wait.