Our second trip to Addis was the most anticipated trip full of unknowns. This was the trip that we would get to bring Jordis home...which is very exciting. However we had so many questions; what would she eat, when would she sleep, would she sleep, would she freak out when we boarded the plane, how would she react to Ashton.
After two days of flights we arrived at the transition home where we would pick Jordis up. It was great...when she came through the gate into the courtyard, she remembered us and ran to our arms! The next few days were full of discovery and adjustment.
Everything went smoothly and quickly at the Embassy and two days later, our guide showed up at our door with a visa, passport and all necessary paperwork for us to leave the country that night.
I must tell you, 3 flights over the course of 24 hours is enough to make anyone a little frustrated - but when you are a 2 year old who has never worn a seatbelt and been forced to stay in one place for an entire day in a plane, it can be interesting. Adoption tip - if you ever do adopt internationally, remember that you will never see the people on the plane again - they will get over it.
Jordis after we landed on U.S. soil - adopted and full U.S. citizen. |